‘Fundraisers are in a delicate position – they create enormous impact for the charities they work for, but many are working towards burnout, and some are thinking of leaving the profession altogether.’
These were the opening words by the CIOF about why a focus on wellbeing and inclusion was so important for the 2024 Fundraising Convention. As longstanding champions for the highest standards of EDI and workplace satisfaction across the sector, Charity People are always on the lookout for ways to improve our offering for the people we work alongside. With this in mind, we’re excited to announce our partnership with Sarah Tite Coaching Ltd, who will support some of the fundraisers we place as they step into their new roles.
We’re offering three funded one-to-one coaching sessions with Sarah, or one of her experienced team, which aim to build confidence, develop personal goals and help to keep great people within the charity sector.
We understand that making the move from an organisation you know inside out to somewhere completely new can be intimidating. As a leader*, you’re often the driving force behind the charity, setting the vision, delivering the strategy, inspiring colleagues, and managing the organisation through changes or challenges.
Coaching provides a safe, non-judgemental space to openly discuss, explore, and find solutions to obstacles that you may encounter, opening doors for lasting change for the better. They enable candidates to manage the expectation of being able to hit the ground running in their new role, while balancing the pressures in other parts of their life.
* Leader – we see leadership as a mind-set – a way of thinking, behaving, and acting, rather than something that is based on seniority or a specific job title. We believe anyone has the ability to lead with ideas, insights, and inspiration, to create change and open minds to new approaches.
The most important aspect of coaching is offering candidates an environment of psychological safety, where they feel empowered to voice their ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes. This leads to increased innovation, strengthens problem-solving abilities and builds more successful teams in the long term.
How can individuals benefit from coaching?
- Coaching provides an opportunity to explore leadership and management approaches and styles.
- It builds confidence, self-belief and self-awareness.
- Candidates gain new ways of managing professional relationships.
- Candidates strengthen skills in energy management and wellbeing, as well as how to respond when feeling overwhelmed.
- Sessions help candidates to manage change and how they can influence others.
- If applicable candidates will receive invaluable advice on how to return to work well.
Are you curious about coaching? Here are a few FAQs to help you decide if it’s right for you.
How much time does it take up?
You’ll only need to set aside one hour per month – a very small amount for the long-term benefits it brings. Research by Fundraising Everywhere¹ found that organisations that prioritise L&D are more likely to have better fundraising performance, with 12% of respondents having accessed coaching as part of their personal development.
What can I expect from the sessions?
Once you’ve chosen the right coach for you, Sarah and the team will be happy to share more details about what to expect or how you can prepare.
How do I know if I’m ready for coaching?
There’s no right or wrong time to start, however, the sooner you do it, the sooner you’ll see the results. Sessions are designed to help you on your journey to healthier, happier and harmonious leadership, giving you the clarity to focus on what you need to thrive both inside and outside of your working life.
¹Fundraising Everywhere’s 2024 research ‘The Impact of Learning and Development on Charity Staff:Performance and Job Satisfaction’ https://www.fundraisingeverywhere.com/impactoflearning/?utm_source=website&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=2411SarahTiteBlog&utm_content=text+link
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